
Showing posts from May, 2020

Questioning the Singular Story

At risk of sounding like a paranoid conspiracist, my philosophy when it comes to learning is “Question everything.” I question my sources, my sources’ sources, my professors, myself and my own biases. One person’s perspective is never the (capital T) Truth. I always tell my friends when they see something on the news that is important, they should read about it from multiple networks and multiple large and small sources. The closest you can get to the Truth usually lies somewhere between all of them. Obviously you can’t do that with everything all the time, because you wouldn’t have much of a life, but I think it’s important to remind yourself that not everything is as cut and dry as it may seem. Obviously we all have biases that affect how we understand new information or people/groups that are different than us. Even in sciences that seem straight forward, there is bias in how we make sense of test results. I can watch the same exact video clip as a hundred other people, and there

Welcome to my blog!

Hey everyone! My name is Casey. I’m a super senior (aka 5th year because I took a few months off to live on a ship) here at App and I actually have a self-designed major through the Interdisciplinary Studies department. It is Primatology (aka all things monkeys!) and mine is a mix between biological anthropology and standard biology. I have minors in evolutionary anthropology and religious studies (the latter was on accident, I just think the classes are interesting). This has been the strangest year of college so far, but I’m actually a big fan of online classes, so I’m excited for this summer session and to learn (virtually) alongside you all!