Elevator Pitch
Oh hey! I'm an anthropologist who studies human evolution. Since I've got you here for the next 30-45 seconds, lets talk about what my field needs. Human evolution involves multi- and interdisciplinary methods and amazingly intelligent people connecting around the world. We answer questions about how you and I evolved to have brains large enough to talk in elevators or why we started walking on two legs. There is so much that we don't know yet. If we fall behind in this field, our nation could be left in the dust. You know how we say it's important to learn from our history? Myself and my colleagues are uncovering histories we didn't know existed. We need funding as soon as possible. It could cover our travel, supplies, field assistants, publishing costs, etc. Our nation could become a leader in this field, giving us opportunities to work in more places and make more discoveries about humanity. I'd love to continue this discussion with you and your constituent...